Annual Report
The San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center is at the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area’s efforts to prevent, stop, and end child abuse.
Throughout last year we worked to solidify our foundation — our services and our strategies — so we can turn our attention towards building a future without child abuse. In 2016, we focused our prevention efforts on widespread education of children and child-serving professionals and worked to strengthen the social safety net that prevents and responds to abuse, all the while supporting families to build their strengths to survive the ups and downs of daily life.
Central to our past success and to our future is our TALK Line — our 24 / 7 / 365 parental support call line. Started 40+ years ago by the Child Abuse Council, the TALK Line and Council birthed many of our programs and services that continue today to support families and children in our community. With dedicated staff, kindhearted volunteers, generous donors, and loyal partners, the San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center can continue to do its part. But ending child abuse in San Francisco cannot and will not happen with just one organization — it will take all of us. It will take you.
yearly cost of child abuse to
Bay Area (read the report)
reports of child abuse in
Bay Area
verified cases of child abuse in Bay Area
Now, we are grateful to share stories of our committed TALK Line volunteers who give their time and their heart to ensuring that parents have the support they need to be present and protective.
I think the [TALK Line] is invaluable for parents...It’s really to make the client feel seen, valued, and heard, which for so many people is missing in their lives.
For more than 40 years, we've answered the phone to anyone who needs support, focusing on supporting parents and caregivers. This essential service is powered by a dedicated team of close to 50 volunteers and is aimed at providing an outlet for parents to let off steam, talk through parenting challenges and life’s complications. Discussion topics range from child care and custody issues to self care and suicide — the gamut is as broad as the numerous challenges of parenting.
By simply listening, we reduce stress and we prevent child abuse.
TALK Line phone counseling sessions
of callers discuss anxiety & self-care
As soon as she started to have some resources and support, it was amazing how she transformed and really grew...[She] was able to be the mom she wanted to be.
Every year, our family support center cares for hundreds of families. From providing counseling, workshops, and groups to groceries, bus tokens, and community dinners, we support families in a host of different ways. And by collaborating with family resource centers, government agencies, community organizations, and businesses around the city, we are able to provide referrals to ensure each and every family gets what they need to create safe homes. Every day we are helping families build their strengths and grow a support network; we are helping parents understand child development and find their own resiliency; and we are helping children learn how understand and regulate their emotions.
Everyday, we are stopping child abuse.
of families enrolled in intensive services are low income
of families enrolled in intensive services
improved their ability to protect children
Parenting isn’t necessarily a low-income problem or a high-income problem. It’s difficult all around.
Child abuse is pervasive, in every neighborhood in the Bay Area. In order to stop the abuse, we must first learn the tightly-held secrets, and shine a light on what’s appropriate and what’s not. Too often children don’t know or understand that the bruises and the unwanted touches are wrong. There is an epidemic in our community, and just as we have focused our attention, efforts, and resources on eradicating polio and the plague, and have changed public behaviors around cigarettes and seatbelts, we too must change our belief that child abuse is inevitable. Because, it’s not. By helping child victims heal and families ensure a safer future, we create a better community. By teaching children about personal safety and teaching grownups how to identify signs of abuse and take action when they see it, we put in motion a new tomorrow.
Together, we must take a stand to end child abuse.
forensic interviews held at the
Children's Advocacy Center
children received in-classroom
safety lessons
of teachers agree that students were given the tools needed to keep them safe
Join Us
We have made great strides in protecting children and strengthening families, but we can't do it alone. It takes all of us — the entire community — to protect kids. We need you. We need you to be our eyes and our ears around this city and throughout the Bay Area community. If you see something, say something. Together, we can ensure that every child has a bright childhood.
2016 Financials
- Revenue
- Government Grants$1,936,994
- Net Assets Released from Restriction1,745,488
- Foundation & Corporate Grants$349,500
- Donations$424,880
- Fundraising Events, net$587,880
- Rental Income$578,839
- In-kind Revenue$265,930
- Program Service Fees$98,714
- Other Income$26,963
- Total Unrestricted Operating Revenues $6,015,188
- Expenses
- Children & Family Services$2,918,263
- Strategic Partnerships$1,130,483
- Fundraising$747,905
- Management & General$687,606
- Community Education$467,491
- Total Functional Expenses $5,951,748
Show Our Team
Board of Directors, served during 2016
- Natalie Delagnes Talbott, Chair
- Tina Bou-Saba, Co-Vice Chair
- David Glickman, Co-Vice Chair
- Melinda Ellis Evers, Secretary
- Jarrod Phillips, Treasurer
- Lisa M. Bertain
- Jennifer Brokaw, M.D.
- Chuck Chai
- Erik S. Edwards
- Mary J. Hansell, DrPH, RN
- Laura Harrison Ward
- Doug Heske
- Aparna Kota, M.D.
- Linda Moore
- Wayne Osborne
- Jessica Reed Saouaf
- Christopher C. Stewart, M.D.
Honorary Directors
- Kathy Baxter
- Linda Cannon
- Lorraine Cohen
- Dr. Moses Grossman
- Patsy Jones
- Lois Pavlow*
- Sari Wade*
- Ellen Wolfe*
- Sue Wollack
- * In Memoriam
Executive Cabinet
- Sharon Bell, Retired, San Francisco Human Services Agency
- Kimiko Burton, San Francisco Office of the City Attorney
- Mary J. Hansell, DrPH, RN, San Francisco Department of Public Health
- Linda Moore, Retired, San Francisco Office of the District Attorney
- Allen Nance, San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department
- Shannon Thyne, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
- Ray Brown
- Robert Callan, Jr.
- Carol Caspe
- Frank J. Caufield
- Sydney Goldstein
- Daniel Hershkowitz
- Cheryl Jennings
- Susan Kirk
- Isabelle Lemon
- James Lee
- Suzanne Maloney
- Suzy Pak
- Wes Sen
- Catherine Topham*
- * In Memoriam
Staff, employed during 2016
- Katie Albright
- Sophie Bigalke
- Katie Bilsky
- Terriana Briggs
- Patricia Carbajal
- Ariella Castillo-Duvivier
- Leslie Chao
- Shannon Cogen
- Paul Collier
- Melissa Dang
- Julieta Dominguez
- Lauren Dunford
- Helena Edwards
- Keith Edwards
- Sherry Ezhuthachan
- Barry Feinberg
- John Fenwick
- Kate Frankfurt
- Christian Frausto
- Malcolm Gaines
- Riva Gardner
- Brianna Green
- Ryan Hazelton
- Daphne Humes
- Molly Jardiniano
- Steve Kim
- Nora Kim
- Frank Landin
- Tony Lau
- Sara Levey
- Kira Mack
- Heather McDermott
- Elisabet Medina
- Heather Miller
- Blia Moua
- Kyle Naganuma
- Christine Ness
- Erika Pappas
- Jenny Pearlman
- Betty Perez
- Alena Perez
- Heather Pitre
- Lisa Quach
- Lauren Reid
- Kari Reitz
- Carolina Rodas
- Andrea Rush
- Joyce Sabel
- Roxana Sanchez
- Gagan Sandhu
- Daniel Sapoznick
- Sarah Schoomer
- Debbie Shen
- Maria Sobol
- Solymar Sola-Negron
- Russell Stephens
- Elissa Stevens
- Abigail Stewart-Kahn
- Tommy Thach
- Kaile Thomas
- Courtney Thurston
- Alia Vander Lind
- Larry Yip
Show Our Partners
- AJW Inc.
- APA Family Support Services
- Ascend at the Aspen Institute
- Beyond Silence
- California Masonic Foundation
- California Pacific Medical Center
- Casey Family Programs
- Center for Innovation and Resources, Inc.
- Center for Youth Wellness
- Child & Adolescent Support Advocacy & Resource Center
- Children’s Advocacy Centers of California (CACC)
- Child Death Review Team
- Department of Children, Youth & Their Families
- Edgewood Center for Children & Families
- Family Support Services of the Bay Area
- Family Violence Council
- Freedom Forward
- First 5 San Francisco
- Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
- Good Samaritan Family Resource Center
- Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council Coalition
- Gum Moon Women's Residence & the Asian Women's Resource Center
- Hotel Wailea & Park View Travel
- Huckleberry House
- Human Services Agency of San Francisco
- Instituto Familiar de la Raza Inc.
- Jewish Vocational Services
- Junior League of San Francisco
- Legal Services for Children
- Mayor’s Task Force on Human Trafficking
- National Children’s Alliance
- Moscone Emblidge & Otis LLP
- Office of the Mayor
- OMI Family Resource Center & Urban Services YMCA
- Our Children Our Families Council
- Partners in Prevention
- San Francisco City Attorney's Office
- San Francisco Department of Public Health
- San Francisco Department on the Status of Women
- San Francisco District Attorney's Office
- San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium
- San Francisco Family Support Network
- San Francisco Juvenile Justice Center
- San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department
- San Francisco Police Department
- San Francisco Public Defender's Office
- San Francisco Unified Family Court
- San Francisco Unified School District
- Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
- South of Market Bayview Child Health Center
- South of Market Health Center
- State Bird Provisions
- Sunset Family Resource Collaborative
- Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center
- Sunset Youth Services
- The Office of Child Abuse Prevention
- The San Francisco Social
- University of California, San Francisco
- Western Regional Children’s Advocacy Center
- W.O.M.A.N., Inc.
- Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
Show Our Donors
Public Funding
- Children's Advocacy Centers of California
- First 5 San Francisco
- Human Services Agency of San Francisco
- San Francisco Department of Children, Youth & Their Families
- San Francisco Department of Public Health
- San Francisco Superior Court
- State of California, Office of Child Abuse Prevention
- Brenda Brinker Bottum
- The Brin Wojcicki Foundation
- Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
- Hellman Foundation
- Lisa and John Pritzker Family Fund
- Quest Foundation
- Laura & Greg Spivy
- Tauber Foundation
- Anonymous
- Bella Vista Foundation
- Casey Family Programs
- Robert and Ruth Halperin Foundation
- Help for Children (Hedge Funds Care)
- Rick & Melinda Reed
- George H. Sandy Foundation
- World Childhood Foundation, Inc.
- Yerba Buena Fund
- Zellerbach Family Foundation
- Anonymous
- BlackRock, Inc.
- Frederick Chambers
- Dagmar & Ray Dolby
- David B. Gold Foundation
- Goldman, Sachs & Co.
- Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
- George F. Jewett Foundation
- Junior League of San Francisco
- Metta Fund
- Negley Flinn Charitable Foundation
- Sarlo Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation
- The Sherwood Foundation
- Anonymous
- The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
- Anderson Family Foundation
- Bedford Insurance Brokerage, Inc.
- Tina & Joe Bou-Saba
- Chuck Chai & Mon Siriwatwechakul
- DN&E Walter
- Eucalyptus Foundation
- Irwin & Concepcion Federman
- Beth & Brian Grossman
- The HAND Foundation
- Laura Harrison Ward & James Ward
- Kaiser Community Benefits
- Susan Larsen
- George Lucas Family Foundation
- Maverick Capital Foundation
- Nest Bedding
- Niantic Charitable Trust
- Nordstrom, Inc.
- Bill and Susan Oberndorf Foundation
- Wayne P. Osborne & Gregory R. Price
- Price Waterhouse Coopers
- Jerome Roth
- San Francisco Foundation
- Mark Sherman & Susan Mohun
- Morgan Stanley
- Natalie Delagnes Talbott & Brian Talbott
- Catherine & Edward C. Topham
- The Nick Traina Foundation
- John Underwood
- Valleycrest Productions Ltd
- Bernard E. and Alba Witkin Foundation
- Anonymous (2)
- AXA Investment Managers
- Rachael & Lawrence Bowman
- Brandeis Hillel Day School
- Jennifer Brokaw & Allen Fry
- Eliza Brown
- California Pacific Medical Center
- Frank Caufield
- Martha Conte
- Citibank
- Cooley LLP
- Jim & Penny Coulter
- Cathy & Sandy Dean
- Electronic Arts
- Allison & Jesse Eisenhardt
- Melinda & Will Evers
- Eric Federman
- First Republic Bank
- FThree Foundation
- Keith Geeslin
- Fred Gellert Family Foundation
- The William G. Gilmore Foundation
- Tim & Julie Gregory
- Walter and Elise Haas Fund
- Intero Foundation
- JP Morgan Chase & Co.
- Keesal, Young & Logan
- H. Michael Kurzman
- Kelsey Lamond
- Chris Lord & Coltrane Lord
- Hilary & Jamie Mendola
- Diane Morris
- Pacific Union Real Estate
- Elizabeth Patterson
- JaMel & Tom Perkins
- Jarrod & Catherine Phillips
- Jessica & Abdul Saouaf
- Lee & Perry Smith
- Salesforce.com, Inc.
- San Francisco Giants
- SSL Law Firm LLP
- Roselyne Swig
- Susie Tompkins Buell Fund of the Marin Community Foundation
- Wells Fargo Commercial Banking
- Western Digital
- The Mary Wohlford Foundation
- Grace Won & Richard Holden
- Nick & Jill Woodman
- YRC Worldwide
- Anonymous (5)
- Kellie & Steven Abreu
- Alisa Baker
- Luis & Nancy Belmonte
- Elena Marimo Berk
- The Lowell Berry Foundation
- Michael & Emma Bishopp
- BI-RITE Market
- Lisa Bransten & John Rumsey
- Barbara Brown
- Susie & Mark Buell
- Lesley Bunim
- Car Donation Services, Inc.
- Paula & Bandel L. Carano
- Howard Caro & Shannon Atlas
- Rachel Castillo
- Nancy Chirinos
- Carmela Clendening & John Fernandez
- Lorraine & Noah Cohen
- Barrett Cohn & Tria Katz Cohn
- Community Thrift Store
- Carla & David Crane
- CTC | myCFO
- Greg De Martini
- Jeanne Dinkelspiel
- Deloitte
- Tony Dorie
- Nicholas & Rebecca Eaton
- Erik & Susan Edwards
- Delia Ehrlich
- John Ehrlich
- Winn Ellis & David L. Mahoney
- Scott Emblidge
- Carla Emil
- William & Roberta Fazande
- John & Laura Fisher
- Randi & Bob Fisher
- William & Sako Fisher
- Julie & Greg Flynn
- The June and Julian Foss Foundation
- Fremont Group Foundation
- James Fry
- Michelle & George Furnanz
- Humberto Galleno & Lareina Yee
- Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
- David & Kristin Glickman
- John and Marcia Goldman Foundation
- William Goldstein
- Google Matching Gifts Program
- Valerie & Andrew Gospodarek
- Jonathan Graham
- Greenberg Traurig
- Nonie Greene & Todd Werby
- Brian Grey & Paige Rausser Grey
- Kelly & Michael Halper
- Mary Hansell & Carl Serrato
- Mary Hao
- Julie Harkins
- Bari & Frank Havlik
- Kate & Brian Healy
- Douglas & Suzanne Heske
- Hillspire LLC
- Ronald Holland
- Linda Horigan
- Leslie & George Hume
- Katharine Hyde
- Laurie Isenberg & Joel Roos
- Kathleen & Ted Janus
- David & Betty A. Jones
- Diana Kapp & David Singer
- Tracy Kennedy & John Michael Kennedy
- Barndi Kim & Braxton Sealy
- King Ridge Foundation
- Hilary King
- Susan & James Kirk
- Jennie Klein
- Melissa Koerner
- Adelina & Rajat Kongovi
- Aparna Kota & Keith Kapash
- Kerry Lanigan
- Sloan Larsen
- Laura & Gary Lauder
- Barry Lipman & Marie O'Gara Lipman
- Local Independent Charities of America
- Tom Lockard
- Susan Lowenberg & Joyce Newstat
- Niall & Eve Lynch
- John Maniscalco & Mary Tesluk
- Ed and Betty Manoyan Foundation
- Marin Charitable Association
- Lawrence Marshall
- Craig & Anisha Mason
- Masonic Center for Youth and Families
- Brigid McCaw & William Finzer
- Kelly & Mark McKane
- Amy McKnight
- Gabrey Means
- Marie Mendenhall Cleasby & Gilbert W. Cleasby
- Constance Mitchell
- Diana Montgomery
- Anna Morfit
- Katie & Joe Morford
- Daniel Morillo
- Martina & Tom Murphy
- Michael Nadler
- Wally & Rosamond Naylor
- Clint Newman
- Joyce Newstat
- May Ng & Wilson Lee
- Nancy Oliveira
- John Osterweis & Barbara Ravizza
- Yola & Bora Ozturk
- Pacific Grove Capital
- Suzy Pak & Mark W. Gundacker
- Julie & Will Parish
- Lisa & Travis Pearson
- Peninsula Gujarati Association
- Nancy Pfund & Phil Polakoff
- David Piazza
- Andrew Pope
- Kent Radspinner
- Victoria Raiser
- William Raisin & Diana Montgomery
- Paige Rausser Grey & Brian Grey
- Elizabeth Ream
- Jill Reber Hamer
- Martin & Anne Roher
- Jo-Ann Rose
- Michelle Rosen
- Pamela & Christopher Rupright
- Salesforce.org
- Jason Schneider
- Charles & Helen Schwab
- Mike & Beattie Seidenberg
- Sharper Future
- Simmons Employee Foundation
- Slack
- Staci & R. James Slaughter
- Spight Family Foundation
- Lisa Spinali
- Andrew Stadler
- Greg & Lisa Stanger
- Elizabeth Steininger Wraga
- Jessica Sterling-Malek
- Christopher Stewart & Shelley Wu
- Abigail Stewart-Kahn & Matthew Kahn
- Ronald Stovitz & Danell Zeavin
- Marjorie Swig
- The Swig Foundation
- Theta Delta Xi
- Douglas Tom
- Tim Treadway
- Kirby Walker & Paul Danielsen
- T.B. Walker Foundation
- Diana Walsh & Walker K. John
- Wender Weis Foundation for Children
- Todd Werby & Nonie Greene
- Jane & Doug Wolf
- Pilar Woodman
- Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School
- Harold L. Wyman Foundation
- Arthur and Charlotte Zitrin Foundation
- Anonymous (7)
- AAML NorCal
- Jeffrey Abadie
- Craig Ackermann
- Justin Adams
- Larry Alden
- Joy Alferness
- Claire Alt
- The Art Institute of California - San Francisco
- Andrew Ballantyne
- Bank of America Matching Gift Program
- Ann & Chris Barber
- Holland Bender
- Kelly Bourke
- Robin & Russ Brasso
- Susie & Sam Britton
- Ellen Bronchetti
- Ray & Ann Brown
- Brown Charitable Trust
- Lynn Bunim
- Kimiko Burton
- Sara & Tom Byrne
- Robert & Andrea Callan
- Lucretia Carney
- Victor Carrion & John S. Ashworth
- J. Scott & Scott E. Case
- Carol Caspe-Nayman & Nathan Nayman
- Carol Chuang
- Scott Clark
- Eileen & Henry Cohen
- Denise Cohn
- Congregation Beth Jacob & Irving Levin Jewish Center
- Murphy Burr Curry, Inc.
- Paul Danielsen & Kirby Walker
- Ethel Davies
- Angela Deiana
- Linda & Michael Delagnes
- Jason Di Piazza
- William Dorsey
- Warren & Caroline L. Dowd
- Katelyn & Brendan Dyson
- Pamella Earing
- Lori Elerts
- Karen & Steve Ellis
- Expedia.com
- Mathea Falco
- Alice & Leo Fathy
- FGS-Giveback Foundation
- Scott Fink & Kathy E. Klein
- Kevin Franklin
- Joyce Friedman
- David Fry & Whitney Morris
- Alison Geballe
- Stanton & Marsha Glantz
- Sydney Goldstein & Charles Breyer
- Sidney & Susan Goodwill
- James & Brett Greer
- Moses & Verle Grossman
- Cindy Gutierrez
- Stephen Harrick & Jennifer Min
- Edward Harrison
- Laurette Hartigan
- Paul & Mary Henry
- Daniel & Alyssa Hershkowitz
- Susan Hirsch & Susan Leal
- Adrienne Hirt & Jeffrey Rodman
- HPL Contract
- Jim Illig
- Myrna Iton
- Padmaja Iyer
- JP Morgan Chase Foundation
- Jennifer Kalidoss
- John Kalucki
- Linda & David Kapnick
- John Kaufman
- Ron & Barbara Kaufman
- Casey Ketterling & Taylor Robinson
- Mardi Kildebeck
- Annie & Perry Klebahn
- Clayton Kunz
- Akiba Lerner
- James & Patricia R. Lesser
- Claudia Lewis & Edward M. Scal
- Nikolaos Liveris
- Charles Louderback
- Patricia Lurie
- Allison Magee & William Baumgardner
- Dagny Maidman
- Suzanne Maloney & Peter Harrison
- Sean Manchester
- Stewart McDowell
- Patrice McElroy
- Mairi McKeever & Charles Lewkowitz
- Nicole Meehan
- Renata & Alex Miller
- Colette Minnock
- Mitra Modarressi
- Cherie Mohrfeld
- Susan Mohun & Mark Sherman
- Linda Moore & Jonathan Howden
- Meridee Moore & Kevin King
- Anita Moran & Anson Moran
- Terri Murphy Mino
- Masato Nakagawa
- Allen Nance
- Diana Nelson
- Sherri Nelson
- Old Republic Title Company
- Dennis Otto
- Jenny Pearlman & Jack McDonald
- Helen Raiser
- Louise & Paul A. Renne
- Andrew Robbins
- Henry & Kate Rogers
- Lisa Rose
- Eli and Mae Rosen Foundation
- Patricia Santos
- Scott Saslow
- Raffaele Savi
- Barbara & Irwin Schatz
- Wesley & Tracy L. Sen
- Jo-Ann Shank
- Bing Whey & Whey May Shen
- John Sikorski & Susan Mitchell
- Kathy Silva
- Madeleine Sinclair
- Marjorie Slabach & Dianne Safholm
- Edmund Solis
- Sarah Stein & Michael Cohn
- Diana & Zeph Stewart
- Darian & Rick Swig
- Susan Swig
- Karim & Elizabeth H. Tahawi
- Sze-Jack Tan
- Tallie & Corey Taylor
- Thompson Suskind, LP
- Julian Torres
- Andrew Trader
- Sue & David Tunnell
- Shoshana Ungerleider
- United Way of the Bay Area
- Shaun Verch
- Richard Ward
- Stephanie Warren
- Judy Wessing
- Susan Wilkens
- Diane Wilsey
- Sara Witt
- Sue & Richard Wollack
- Lareina Yee & Humberto Galleno
- Peng Zhao
Up to $500
- Anonymous (96)
- Grace Adhikari
- Jason Alexander
- Brent Allard
- Everett Allen
- Amazon Smile
- Doug Anderson
- Vernadette Antonio
- Patricia Aparicio
- Apple Matching Gifts Program
- Nick Armatas
- George & Joanne Arrick
- AT&T Employee Match Program
- Lynette Atkisson
- Patricia Axelrod
- Erin Badillo
- Amy Baker
- Cheryl Baker Bibelheimer & Gerald Bibelheimer
- Phoi Banh
- Jennifer Bank
- Ignacio Barandiaran & Andrea Ruiz-Esquide
- Fiona & Hal Barnett
- Barnett Vineyards
- Rhonda Barovsky
- David Barrow
- Kathleen Barthelow
- Mehmet Bayraktar
- Wendy Bean
- Adam Bechtel
- Jenna Beckman
- Alexander Beger
- Susanna Bensinger
- Gwinneth Berexa
- Suzanne Bergeron & Peter Strumph
- Lisa Bertain
- Jasmeet Bhatia
- Todd Bielawski
- Bing Consulting Services
- Motoko Binger
- Erin Bittman
- Celine Bleu
- Paul Bloetscher
- Sabrina Bluestein
- Gayle & Michael Blum
- Dan Blumhardt
- Donald Boss
- Teresa & William Bourke
- Nicola Boyd
- Katie Brackenridge & Rick Moss
- Ellen Bradford
- Norman Brand & Nancy E. Spero
- Charles Bransi
- Jane Breyer
- Mark Brilliant
- Peter Brimm
- Eden & Marc Bruner
- Jessie Brunner
- Stephen Brunner
- Lawrence Buckfire & Kelly Krueger-Buckfire
- Justin Bugajski
- Beatrice Bui
- Roland Burgmann
- Jonathan Burley
- Dewi Burton
- William Butler
- Louise & Robert L. Byer
- Mischa Byruck
- Calfox, Inc.
- Callan Associates
- Andrew Calvert
- Maria Camilli
- Laura Campbell
- Linda Cannon
- Ray Cannon
- Andrea Cantu
- Miguel Cardenas
- Jennifer & Stephen Carlin
- Barbara Carlson & Elisabeth Peters
- Edward Carlson
- Rob Carrol
- Melanie Carroll & Erik Espe
- Anne P. Carter
- Thomas Casey
- Mary Lou Castellanos
- Patricia Celli
- Ilyas Chabane
- Kelso Chan
- Wei See Chan
- Helena Chaye
- Ally Cheung
- Chevron Humankind Employee Funds
- Alice Chew
- Yoke Choong
- Pete & Suzanne Christiansen
- Robert Christiansen
- David Ciagne & Dina Cholack
- Don & Lisa Clay
- Kim Coates
- Jonathan Cohen
- Rosalind Cohen Baruch
- Ellen Coleman Ungermann & Ralph Ungermann
- Peter Colijn
- Theirrie Cook
- Jeffrey Cookston & Robin Dulton-Cookston
- Hugh Cooney
- Matthew Cooper
- Christine Coppola
- Elizabeth Corbus
- Anne Marie Cordingly
- David Cort
- Lisa Cort
- Lyda Cort
- Anika Craig
- Brett Critchlow
- Catherine Cullinane
- Pamela Rummage Culp
- Simon Curry
- Daxton Daily
- Teri Dalia
- Stacie Dalrymple
- Utpal Das
- Jesse Davis
- Kristina Davis
- Leah Dawson
- Joshlyn De Ala
- Andre De Clercq
- Terry De la Cuesta
- Troy DeJoode
- Patricia Del Gavio
- Julian del Rosario
- Kevin Delaney
- Timothy Della Maggiore
- Elia DeLuca
- Daniella DeVera
- William & Sarah C. Devlin
- Jeff Diamond & Johanna Vater
- Donald Dias
- Erick Diaz
- Maryanne Diaz
- Alison Diessner
- Katie Dillard
- Michele Dilworth
- Natasha & David Dolby
- Justin Dombrowski
- Rick Dosa
- Pankit Doshi
- Carmen Dowell
- Lauren & Richard Downs
- Paul Doyle
- Donna Drake
- Thomas D'Silva
- Lisa Duffell
- Emily Dunn Fowler
- Kara Durand
- Margo Eachus
- Kay & Danny Edelman
- Jeffrey Edleson
- Denise Edwards
- Madeline Ehrlich
- Ethan Einwohner
- Virginia Elizondo
- Neal Eller
- Courtney Endress
- Renee Espinoza
- Lenore Estrada
- Craig Etlin & Leslie Gordon
- Susan Eto & David Nicola
- Georgiana Evans
- Roxie Evans
- Robert Farr
- Carolyn Federman
- Catherine Fernandez
- Michael & Francine Filice
- David Fleishhacker
- Scott & Sharon Flicker
- Franklin Fong
- Jessica Fong
- Virginia Fontana
- Ben Frank
- Frank Fredericks
- Tracy Frey
- Elena Fuentes-Afflick
- Renee Fung
- Malcolm Gaines & Seth Brenzel
- Joelle Gallagher
- Prashant Gangwal
- Gap Foundation Gift Match Program
- Mark Garcia
- Vicky Gardner
- Catherine Garrido
- Christopher Gartner
- Holly Gaudreau
- Cigdem Gencer
- Nima George
- Gabriel Gesmer
- Sudeepto Ghoshdastidar
- Hoyt Gier
- James Gildersleeve
- Gary Gin, M.D.
- Akiko Giometti
- Livia Glasgow
- Amruta Godbole
- Dan Goehl
- Charles Goetzl & Eric Fine
- Kate Goldstein-Breyer
- Chris Gombas
- Steven Gomberg
- Catherine Gonzalez-Maddux
- Glenn Good
- Joel Goodrich
- Kay Sprinkel Grace
- Carmel Graham
- Kent Graham
- Rebecca Graham
- Jay Grant
- Philip Grant
- Rodney Grebe
- Lizelle Green
- Karen & Thomas Griffin
- Suzan Grisanti
- Margaret Grisley
- Dyer Grote
- Christina Guevara
- Marsha & Ralph Guggenheim
- Minette & Isac Gutfreund
- Francisco Gutierrez
- Dianne Hackborn
- Katie Hafner & Bob Watchter
- Aaron Hahn Tapper
- Beth Haley
- Halliburton
- Elizabeth Halifax
- Cristina Hall
- Arline & Joseph Halper
- Cindy Hamilton
- Stephanie Hanger
- Ask Hansen
- Steve Hanson
- Elizabeth Hardman Schneiberg
- Farzam & Azadeh Hariri
- Robert Harrison & Associates PLC
- Bonita Hart & Marc Andrews
- Ellen Hathaway
- Hassle-Free Hauling
- Victoria Hayden
- Ryan Hazelton
- Thomas Hazelton
- Lin Henderson
- James Herbert
- Jill & Brian Hetherington
- John Hickey & Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey
- Katherine Hicks
- Larry Hillman
- Eva Ho
- Jessie Ho
- Dana Hobson
- Gary & Anne Hochman
- Agatha Hoff
- Hoffman's Grill & Rotisserie
- Linda Holbrook & John M. Dusay
- Catharine Holden
- Victoria Hollis
- Jerry Horovitz
- Kris Hovis
- Megan & Matt Howard
- Edward & Anne S. Howden
- Linda & Larry Howell
- Christine Hughes
- Laura & Terry Hunt
- Joseph Hurwich
- Sadik Huseny & Doniece Sandoval
- IBM Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign
- Mary & Doug Ireland
- John Irwin
- Douglas Ismail
- Robert Jackson
- Shailey Jain
- David & Kristina K. James
- Ashok Janah
- JBI Designs, Inc.
- Jennifer Jerde
- Steven Jo
- Anita John
- Amanda Johnson
- Gerri Johnson
- John Johnson
- Steven Johnson
- Barbara Jones
- Cameo Jones
- Archana Kannan
- Alan Kaplan
- Nataliia Karpenko
- Latonia Karr
- Julia Katz
- Jennifer Kaufman
- Kristal Kawamoto
- Joshua Kazdin
- Christopher & Kristine Keane
- Catherine Kelley
- Kimberly Kelly
- Paul Kiely
- David Kilby
- Laura Kim
- Nora Kim
- Gabriel & Elizabeth L. Kind
- Meg Kingsland
- Barbara Kleckner & Edward T. Forte
- Erika Koh
- Diane Kohler
- Christina Kotowski
- Evelyn Kramar
- Nicole & Michael Krassner
- Alicia Krause
- Lawrence Krause
- Lynn Krieger & Gregory Gilchrist
- Kroner Family Foundation
- Toshiko Kujo
- Jill Kuper
- Terry Kuperschmid
- Ryan LaFond
- Lila LaHood
- Calum Land
- Christopher Land
- Gregor Land
- Jamie & Emily Land
- Kaia Land
- Robert Landau
- Daniel Landers
- Joshua Landy
- Whitney Lane
- Nancy Lange & Jay Cutler
- Michele Lau
- Joseph Lavi
- Jeanne Lawrence
- Kathryn Lawrence
- Christian Lee
- Diana Lee
- Dickson Lee
- Ed Lee
- Jason Lee
- Katherine Lee & Jeffrey Friedman
- Michael Lee
- Sonia Lee
- Susan Lee
- Megan Lehmer
- Dianne Leiker
- Stephen Leonoudakis
- Sandy Leung
- Simon Levy
- Claire Lilienthal School PTA
- Betsy Linder
- Timothy Lipman
- Dorothy Liu
- Natalie Loggins
- Cynthia Lome
- Daniel Long
- Ernest Long
- Carmen Lookshire
- Uri Lopatin
- Alonzo Lopez
- Jacqueline Lopez-Wyman
- Yuka Loroi
- Colleen Lustan
- Viet-Trung Luu
- Linda Lynch
- Michael & Karen Lyons
- John & Nanette Madden
- William Magrath
- Katherine Mahoney & James P. Collins
- Patrick & Gwen Mahoney
- Sarah Mamandur
- Scott Maraj
- Joshua Margulies
- Claudine Marken
- Bennet Marks
- Dena Marlatt
- Tristi Marshall
- James Mason
- Richard Mathieson
- Mark Matsuno
- Chris Matthews
- Steve Matthiasson
- Emily Mattison-Earls
- Jorge Maumer
- Barbara Mayer
- Marcella & Alan McColl
- Debbie McCoy
- Brian McHugh
- A. Kirk McKenzie
- Peter McKereghan
- Philip McLeod
- Tracy & Ian McMahan
- Gillie McNicol
- Wendy McPhee
- Tim McRae
- Hydra Mendoza
- Constance Menefee
- Debbie & Marc Metcalf
- Elizabeth Meyer
- George & Carolyn Meyer
- Microsoft Corporation
- Jessica Miller
- Judy Miller
- Mark Miller
- Tanya & Matt Miller
- Jim & Jennifer Mills
- Catherine Milton
- David & Jan Mishel
- Armir Mohamed
- Carolyn Monroe
- Michael Mooney
- Elaine Moore
- Robert & Christine Morehead
- Stephen Morfey & Felicity J. Simpson
- Mandy Morris-Gullick
- Chris Moy
- Pauline Moy & Moy Pauline
- Maryam Muduroglu
- Beth Mueller
- Belinda Munoz
- Andrew Murray
- Ravikumar Sanjay Muthiyalu
- Prathima Nalluri
- Farley Neuman & Sheila M. Brown
- Scott Newman & Mary deBenedetti
- Thomas Newman
- Thomas Newmeyer
- Jane Ng & Pete Demoreuille
- Yves Nguyen
- Daphne Niall
- Rob Nicewonger
- Caroline Nichols
- Carolyn Nitta
- Kurt Noble
- Cheryl Nobusada & Ryan Kosakura
- Alicia Nogales & Greg Little
- Katherine Nowak
- Ellen & Peter Obstler
- Brian O'Connor
- Nancy O'Hearn
- Neil Okazaki
- Jordi Ortiz
- Gregory Osborne
- Marja Overbeck
- Grace Paglen
- Su-Moon Paik & Bob Brown
- Michelle Pak
- Eden Palmer
- Palo Alto Networks
- Tom Pankratz
- Athena Pappas
- Suzanne Passalacqua
- Matthew Patterson
- Nachele Pearl
- People's Barber
- Perform For Life SF
- Amelia Peters
- PG&E Corporation Foundation
- J Michael Phelps
- Duane Phillips
- Timothy Pickett
- Pledgeling
- Marcelyn Potter
- Emily Pottruck
- Laura Pripstein
- Nancy Pritikin
- Jeff Pulvirenti
- Dayna & Eric Quanbeck
- Jennifer Raike
- Kaitlin Ramirez
- Kirby Rattenbury
- Rohit Reddy
- Grant Reid
- Kristin Reid
- Lauren Reid
- Myrna & Robert Reid
- Catherine Resh
- Jeannette Revel-Mauro
- Margarita Rhodes & Kimball Worcester
- Mary Risley
- Glenda Robinson
- Martha Rock
- Arlene Rosen & David Cohen
- Joseph Rosenberg
- William & Kim Rosenblum
- George Rosenfeld
- Kenneth Ross
- Ellen & John Rothmann
- Diana Rothschild
- Krista Rubenstein
- Barbara Russell
- Valerie & Michael Russell
- John & Michelle T. Rutledge
- Viveka Rydell
- Hussein Safa
- Sajama Sajama
- Joanne Sakai
- Alex & Judith Saldamando
- Veronica Sanchez & Jeffrey Bornstein
- Nelly & Tim Sapinski
- John Sardinha
- J.P. Scanlon
- Eric Scheel
- R. Schlarmann & Gary L. Dabbs
- David Schlosberg
- Isabelle Schuman
- Charles Schwab Foundation
- Elliot Schwartz
- Kirsten & Andrew Scott
- Stacey Scott
- Justine Sears
- Edward & Jane Sebree
- Christie Sena
- Milton & Judy Seropan
- Antonia Servat
- Kelly & Elana Shea
- Joanne Shih
- Tiffany Shlain & Kenneth Y. Goldberg
- Martha Siegel & Adam Elsesser
- Jessica Silverman
- Joanie Silverstein
- Susan Simon & Joel Aronowitz
- Jonathan & Beth Singer
- Wendy & Robert Singley
- Peter & Beverly Sinton
- Skyana
- Stephani Slater
- Blythe Smith
- Fern Smith
- Brian Smithers
- David & David Smolen
- Paul & Sandra Smuts
- Betsy Smyser
- Laura Somers
- Brian Souders
- Sarah Soule
- Carol Sox
- Colin Sox
- Greg Spallas
- Jayapriya Srinivasan
- Dan Stadler
- Jenny Stadler
- Mark Stainton
- Lori Starr
- Andrea Steele
- Sheena Stevenson
- Brett Stewart & Meagen Leary
- Sandra Stone
- Diana Strait
- Michael Strong
- Paul Strumph
- Sheila Stuart
- Jamienne Studley
- Chloe Sugarman
- Gregory Suhr
- Nicholas Sutter
- Anne & Robert Talbott
- Bruce Tang
- Target
- Justin Tassone
- Frances & Ronald Tauber
- Michael & Maureen Terris
- Herb Thomas & Associates
- Hayley Thompson
- Irina Thompson
- Lynn Thompson
- Sheila Thompson
- Sue Thornley
- Susan Tilling
- Tina To
- Yvonne To
- Marsha Torkelson
- Amy Tovar
- Burke Treidler
- Reiko True
- Susan Tryon
- Jessica Tsukahara
- Douglass Ulrich
- Troy Underwood
- Cammie Vail
- Marvin Valdez
- Skylar VanAuken
- Eric Vanuska
- Joanne Vargas
- David Velleman
- Conrado Vellve
- Jane Verma
- Ron Vidal
- Claudia Volpi
- Trish Vradenburg
- Tyler Vradenburg
- Lori Wakil
- Susan Waldman
- Cassandra Ward
- Maegan Warehouse
- Emily Webb
- Sharlene Weed
- Donna Weeks
- Stephanie Wei
- Sarah & David Whitelaw
- Alia Whitney-Johnson
- Marie Wienckowski
- Karen Willcox
- Greggory Williams
- Joel Williams
- Kirk Williams
- Sandra Williams
- Karen Willis
- Veronica Wolff
- Nancy Wong
- Christine & Greg Wood
- Alexis Woods & Daniel Donahoe
- Chris Wyers
- Matthew Wyne & Bianca Wyne
- Wyne Enterprises
- Amber Yada
- Yahoo
- Yama
- Nancy Yamamoto
- Devin Yeates
- Elaine Yoffie
- Babak Yousefzadeh
- Hong-Sze Yu
- Richard Yurman
- David Zeff
- Rui Zhao
- Jon & Helen Zitzman
- Aran Ziv
- ZogSports SF
- Zsigmond
- Francesco Zuliani
- Zynga Foundation